ALB (Application Load Balancer)

  • Note

    1. create VPC

    2. create internet gateway

    3. Attach VPC to the internet gateway

    4. create subnet

    5. create Route table

    6. Do subnet associations to the route table

    7. Assign the Internet gateway we have created to the route table

    8. create EC2 - 2 instancesS

    9. create Target Group

    • 1. select the available instances in the target group creating window
    • 2. Press 'Include as pending below' button
    • 3. press Create Target Group' button

    10. Create Load balancer

    • 1. select 'Application load balancer' option
    • 2 select 'internet-facing' option under 'scheme'
    • 3. create security group for load balancer and enable port 80 and 443
    • 4. select your target group under 'Listeners and routing' section
    • 5 press 'Create Load Balancer' button

    11. Goto 'Load balancer' section , copy the DNS name and paste in the browser